Saturday, June 23, 2007

Thieving bastards!

We are now in Malaysia, in the capital Kuala Lumpur. All was going swimmingly until last night when someone in the hostel nicked Jenni's Finnish mobile phone. We are trying to make people feel guilty so they might give it back, as it had photos from our honeymoon and lovely texts from everyone from the last 6 years. She is really upset and we have now lost everyone's phone numbers from that phone. If be some quirk of fate the person that stole it is reading this blog, please give it back!

Dan & Jenni


Anonymous said...

hi guys that is bad news, its scary how much we store on these little things, and that they can ebcome so personal, i know glyn can empathise after the loss of his laptop!
i have some exciting news i am going to canada in the autum to do an artist residencey in Banff
all very exciting! getting a bit scared about bears again.
well done for your bravery with the snake jenni! its funny i have always wanted to go to a rainforest but actually i am not sure i would cope to well with the wild life, i got jumpy on a late night walk in nottinghams bestwood forest, when there were clicks and creeks inthe woods, but as it turned out the most dangerous thing was the grass which set glyns hayfever off a treat!
love you both loads a loads
xxx sorrel

Anonymous said...

voi miten inhottavaa toi varkaus :(! on ollu niin ihanaa lukea teiän käärmeseikkailuista ja muista, ja kuvat on ihan mahtavia! (ootko viel sama hämähäkkikammonen jenni joka ei ikinä olis menny lähellekkään mitään matelijaa muistuttavaa ?!! :))lisää lisää vaan niin paljon kun vaan ehditte kirjottaa!! terkkuja tapilta, emmalta ja kummitytöltä joka sanoo tät-tät-tät-tääää mikä tarkottaa varmasti että Kummeille haleja!! t.Kati

KK said...

Sorry to hear about the phone, guys. It must be particularly horrid to lose those links with home when you're the other side of the world. Hope it gets balanced by something lovely happening soon, chins up, x