Tuesday, January 30, 2007

fiat 500

fiat 500, originally uploaded by The muggers.

This is a little car we saw in Rome on Jenni's Birthday, it was cute and old!

The start of a new era??

Here we go, its only about 7 weeks till we set off on our trip and as usual we aren't entirely ready yet. But I've only got 1 day left at work and from then on I have no excuse not to be brilliantly organised at actually getting us going and taking us to the other side of the world in an orderly and organised fashion, let's watch this space eh! But this is going to be the place that we record our trip while we are away with all our photo's etc so that someone can see how we are getting on and we can try and remember what it was we did in that year away when we are back. It all sounds do able so let's see if I can keep it up for more than two posts (my last blog record!). If I give I get into the habit of doing it before we leave I might actually keep it up while we are away too. That'll do for now, that is a tick on my to do list, set up a travel blog.
See you soon